Going hairless the pain-free way with VEET!

by - Wednesday, February 19, 2014

So, hair removal creams. I'm sure you've heard and seen these everywhere. But which one to choose? I used to buy Sally Hansen for my legs but there are a lot of bad things that happened when I used this brand so I ended up throwing it away. But I'll get into that later.

I bought Veet's Hair Removal Cream for Sensitive Skin (from SM) because I wanted to try another brand that is extremely effective and yet be powerful enough to work!

Veet Hair Removal Cream for Sensitive Skin, PhP 249.50

Among all, this is the one I chose because it's for sensitive skin so that would mean that it won't burn my skin like what Sally Hansen's did to me. Burn as in it stung for days leaving my skin very red, raw, and extremely sensitive to touch. I had to apply antibiotic cream for 3 days before it went away.

Veet has nice packaging too. It's not too complicated to read on how to use it!

Compared to Salle Hansen's, Veet is a squeeze tube type which is easier to get product from than a pump. SH (Sally Hansen) packaging may look cool but what you don't know is that even when you first use it, it's very had to pump the bottle and hardly any product comes out. Plus, when you keep it to use for next time, some product hardens on the nozzle and the pump clogs up. You can't open the bottle up either.

V and SH have different applicators and removers. SH has a simple plastic spatula type, while V has a curved plastic spatula that is very easy to hold and acts like a squeegee when you remove the product from the area!

Warning labels on the tube as well. So if you are going to try V or SH just make sure you do a patch test first to see if you're allergic or not.

No safety seal on the tube but the box is sealed so...

I just used a plastic cup (doesn't come with V) to pour the product into. The consistency is nice like water-y lotion. You know, those lotions that are not sticky and thick.

Here is my hairy arm. Don't worry about the red bumpy spots guys, it's my Keratosis Pilaris. They don't hurt or itch, it's a skin disorder that is genetic. It goes away with exfoliating and moisturizing because skin blocks the hair follicles so the hair can't get out. But anyway, let's move on.

I applied the cream like so. It didn't take a long time to spread too because it glides on like thin moisturizer.

It took V 10 minutes to remove all my hair so the 5 minute promise for body hair didn't push. You can easily scrape off the cream with their clever spatula.

The result is smooth and flawless. My skin didn't flare up or get irritated too. There were no traces of hair anymore unless I missed a spot at the back of my hand where I can't reach.

I know if said that I shouldn't use on the face but I said to myself that it's for sensitive skin so might as well try. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. I just wanted to see what would happen because my skin is not that sensitive to beauty products.

You can see my hair chin. Yes, I have a beard. And not to mention my hairy upper lip too.

I applied a thin layer on my chin and my lip area. But I had to remove the product on my upper lip right away because it stung! Hahaha! But only having it on there for like 2 minutes, the hair was removed.

It took 5 minutes for the cream to do the job on my beard.

I used a gauze (I needed something rough) to remove the product from my face. You can see all the tiny hairs there.

Again, seamless flawless results in 5 minutes! There are spots that I missed out but you can see the difference it made on my skin. It's brighter and looks cleaner!

Oh yah, pardon my really messy hair.

  • Does not sting.
  • I didn't have any reactions.
  • Perfect consistency for spreading.
  • Takes only 10 minutes. SH takes 25 minutes.
  • Easy squeeze tube packaging.
  • Portable, compact! Perfect for travel.
  • Easily available.
  • Affordable!
  • Economical, you just need a thin layer of the product.
  • Leaves skin smooth and supple.
  • Non-drying.

  • Emits a burning hair smell. But this one has a milder smell compared to other brands.

  • Hair removal creams use chemicals called thioglycolate mixed with sodium hydroxide or calcium hydroxide to literally melt the hair away. The major side effect of a depilatory is skin irritation because the chemical can melt away skin cells. So best to always test 48 hours before on the skin at the crook of your arm where skin is very thin and sensitive before applying.

How I Used It: Use the spatula to apply on the area you want hair removed. Check in a small area every 5 minutes if the hair has been removed and then scrape away gently! You do not want to scratch your skin!

Will I re-purchase? Yes. But only for emergencies.
Will I recommend it? Yes. But only use when you don't have time to go to a waxing salon.


LIKE VEET'S Facebook Page to know more about their latest products, promos, updates and product information:

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  1. this brand was first introduced to me by my younger sister.. i love their pink one =) (the only downside -- for me-- amoy pangkulot ng buhok yung veet na pink)

    1. I love their waxing strips too! ♥ Thanks for sharing!

  2. I also use Veet for my legs and it works wonders. Very easy to apply. The smell bothered me at first, but figured it's ok so long as it doesn't irritate my skin. I also got the ones for very sensitive skin just to be sure! :)

    1. I agree! It has an ugly smell but it's not as bad as the others! Thanks for dropping by!

  3. I am contemplating on using a hair remover for over a week now for my legs ( i shave and it sometimes hurt)
    veet is the the first product that comes to my mind and after reading your reviews i will really try veet, and also i have learned that the red bumps on my skin like what you said is keratosis pilaris :) thanks

    1. Yes, that is what my derma told me and I have had it as far as I can remember. Maybe since I was 6? If you have them too, it's still best to have it checked by a derma :) Thank you so much for dropping by! ♥

  4. I have been looking for a hair removal cream for my daughter who is very hairy (got that from her Dad). She's 14 and when we don't have time to go to the waxing salon, I am opting for this since I am not for shaving. Thanks for the
    information Sab!

    1. Your daughter and I have that in common :) Hehehe... But thanks to products like these, it's no longer a problem to have hairy arms and legs! I like this brand because it's gentle on the skin and very easy to use. Just make sure to do a patch test first before applying ♥ Thanks for dropping by!


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