In the Shadows by Hard Candy

by - Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I am so excited to show you what I got in the mail today from the US. I ordered this about a week and a half ago and it finally arrived! (YAY!)

I was able to get Hard Candy's 5 eyeshadow palette called REBEL which I saw in a beauty blog a while back and I just wanted to try it out for myself. The palette comes with a small trial size tube of Hard Candy's eyelid primer so it was like getting 2 products for $7.00!

The packaging wasn't what I expected it to be so I was a little unimpressed (OK fine, fine... Disappointed). Not that it makes a lot of difference or does it have an effect on the product, I just prefer cosmetics that come in attractive, hard plastic palettes to protect the eye shadows.

Consistency wise, it was neither chalky nor was it silky smooth. It was somewhere in the middle. The pigment is slightly mild so I couldn't wait to use it with a bare face with the eyelid primer.

The primer is not as light as the others I have tried. It feels a little bit sticky but it's really not! It takes a while to get absorbed by the skin so you'll have to wait a little bit on that. Then afterwards, it feels "invisible". As I was putting on swatches on my arm, I noticed that you really have to let the primer completely dry before applying your eye shadow. Just a thin layer will do. Otherwise, the eyeshadow won't stick at all, it will just glide off.

This is the product when applied dry. As you can see the colors are very light. Even though you layer it on, this is the most it can achieve when it comes to color intensity.

When applied with a primer, the colors pop out and you will then notice that some of the shades are really very light and... pastel-y? If there's such a word. Anyhoo... It's really best to use with a primer otherwise your eyeshadow will just look washed out, unless that's the look you're going for.

The eyeshadow glides on the primer as promised but you would still have to layer tons of it on to get the maximum color intensity of the shadow. The nice thing is that you can use the other colors during the day!

If I finished this palette, I don't think I will buy even if they had new colors because I would like my eye shadows to have a lot of pigment whichever time of day. 

What do you guys think? Yay or Nay?

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  1. Shame you were a bit disappointed, the final result looks great in my opinion!!


    1. Yes... It didn't meet my expectations but at least I know it's still useable :) Thank you for dropping by!

  2. I think: yay! Love the colours; so soft and natural!

    Great blog; follow you on GFC.

    Have a great day.

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    1. Thank you so much for dropping by! I am a follower of your blog too! ♥

  3. Absolutely! Thank you so much for dropping by! I am following you now!

  4. beautiful blog! Would you like to follow each other? Let me know!

    1. Thank you so much for dropping by! Of course! I am following you now, hope you can follow me too! Visit me again soon!

  5. Thank you so much for dropping by! I am following you back now! ♥

  6. Hi, very nice makeup and colours!

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    1. Thank you for dropping by! I am already a follower of your blog :)

  7. You're so sweet, thanks for the beautiful words! I also follow you with pleasure on gfc, bloglovin and instagram ♡
    keep in touch!

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to drop by my blog! HUGS! ♥

  8. Lovely colors!

  9. Nay! for the palette but YAY!!!! for the look :D I was planning to buy this palette pa naman but I was also looking for reviews you know being a wise buyer check all review first before buying good thing I saw this. I don't like shadows that are not so pigmented and to be honest I don't like too many shimmers on it. Thanks for the swatches it really does help a lot.


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