Remembering My First Preview Shoot

by - Tuesday, April 01, 2008


My very first editorial with Preview was an exciting experience. They said that once you work with Preview, "you're in the industry".

I made it a point that I arrived at our location at SUMMIT STUDIO earlier than everyone else. I took a cab, set up my rugged (not to mention, HUGE) makeup kit that I managed to carry all by myself! I waited for a few minutes until the model, Ella Evangelista arrived. The stylist, and of course my friend Liz Uy, wanted the look to have a summer-y feel. Then our photographer, Jake Verzosa arrived. Introductions were made, then we each went to work.

Liz arrived with dozens of shopping bags filled with pullouts (of course, back then I didn't know that that's what it's called) of clothes from different stores, shoes, hats, accessories, and lots of other stuff! Liz and I caught up on what's new with us while we waited for Ella to get changed.

After about 6 hours (or was it more?) we finally wrapped up our shoot. It was a success! We stayed for a while and chatted some more before leaving for Makati. Liz was so nice and assured me that even though I was new in the "editorial scene", I had a promising career. Although I told myself that I still had a long way to go... I needed to practice, practice, PRACTICE!

To this day, her comforting words stuck to my head and became the voice in my head to do better and constantly reminds me to always have both feet on the ground.

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