Small Wins: Day 25

by - Thursday, April 09, 2020

Write a list of the day’s accomplishments and small wins, no matter how small. Celebrate each one individually.

Today was a good day. I had a streak of small wins today and that makes it a really good day for me. First, I have had some progress about accepting the things I cannot change, and it has caused me to avoid being anxious. I have been having problems with my ear the past few days, and when I accepted that I just have to adapt to it. I found myself to be happier, and I was able to carry on with more important things than just wasting hours dwelling on it.

Second would be, in spite of my terrible vertigo, I still managed to push myself to workout and follow my morning routine. Anxious people need control, and keeping a routine helps. When I was able to push myself to workout, even with just a low impact 20 minute exercise, I was still so proud of myself for not slacking. I have been exercising for almost 2 weeks now, and I am really very proud of myself. I feel healthier in a way. My knees and my back no longer hurts, and I am more active around the house and being able to keep up with the kids.
Another small win today would be, I was able to cook the Lasagna that my husband has been asking me to do. I have been finding excuses not to cook because to be honest, I was lazy and wallowing in self pity. But surprisingly today, I found myself preparing the ingredients for lunch without the hubby asking me for the Lasagna he's been craving. I burnt the cheese, but still... Small win!
Next win would be, I gave my dogs baths. The last time I gave my own dogs baths was maybe 6 years ago, and after then, I'd always ask someone else to do it for me. And today, after completing the task, I felt so accomplished and satisfied... And a little bit smug.

I have been told by a lot of people who do prompting that it is important to celebrate small wins. I never thought about those things before but after my own research about why it's important to celebrate them, I find myself giving myself a pat on the back  a lot lately.

Small wins can give people an enormous boost emotionally, and can really raise their level of intrinsic motivation for what they're doing and lead to creativity. So I took some time to think about all the wins I had today, and gave myself a really big hug.

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