Plains and Prints' Perfect Partnership

by - Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I am no fashionista, although I do know a few basic ton how to dress up for my body type, but I am lovin' this whole perfect partnership with Anne Curtis for Plains and Prints. I am not even going to pretend that I know anything about fashion, but when Plains and Prints called and asked me if they could send me their dossier of their upcoming collection, I was intrigued. Send it right over!

Anne Curtis and Plains & Prints
So as soon as I received the material, it took a while to sort and view all the photos. I fell in love with the clothes, and was starting to develop a little girl-crush on Anne. She was just stunning in her photos.

Plains and Prints knew I am a beauty blogger but they were so proud (they should be!) of their upcoming project that they just wanted to share it with us. So that's when I said YES! I will write and share this amazing campaign to you, my readers, but just don't expect me to talk about colors scheming, fabric cuts, and/or fashion whats, (but I can talk about Anne's makeup if you want me to? LOL)!

Since I don't know how to talk Fashionista, I will show you photos instead.

Here are some photos of Anne Curtis wearing some clothes from the collection:

Among all the photos they sent me, the ones I posted here are the ones that stood out to me. Something I would definitely wear myself! I just wish Plains and Prints would soon wake up that there are a lot of curvy women out there who would love to be able to wear clothes from their brand. Hope they can carry clothes for my size, and other plus sized women, soon.

Kudos to Plains and Prints for this extremely Perfect Partnership! Visit PP today to see more clothes from the different collections!

I cant wait for the official launch on August 23! I'll show you event photos soon! Have an awesome day!

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