#Unique: Day 14

by - Sunday, March 29, 2020

I was really lazy to write an entry for today. I was feeling rather down because I just didn't have anything to do today. It's a Sunday. Sundays are usually spent with family, or going to the mall and having a stroll, visiting grandparents, etc. But this Sunday feels like just like any other day during enhanced community quarantine.

To torture myself further, I spent an hour watching fan-made YouTube videos dedicated to the frontliners fighting the Covid-19 virus head on. I watched most of them on repeat, and just spent that whole hour ugly-crying.

As if the universe wanted to add some more salt to my wounds, I just found out that a couple of acquaintances are PUMs (Person Under Monitoring), 5 of them are PUIs (Person Under Investigation), and a friend who is battling the virus in the hospital. It seems that my world is getting smaller, and the disease is getting within range of my six degrees of separation.

It took me another hour just to talk myself to get out of bed. After dehydrating myself from crying, I knew I had to snap out of it. If I stay in bed and wallow in self-pity, Covid-19 wins. Well, not today Covid! So I counted to three and just went for it. I made my bed, had a 20 minute full-body stretch,  took a shower, and now here I am.

To keep myself from falling down the rabbit hole, I decided to focus on a more positive light. Myself. I want to reflect on myself, and keep my mind away from all the negativity.

This is Day 2 of the Goodbye Anxiety Hello Joy prompt list, and today's question is a really tough one.
"Day 2: What makes you unique? How can you let your uniqueness shine?"

It took me almost the whole day to think about this question. What does make me unique? I don't want to get too hung up on the word unique, so I focused on a strength that I know I have had for a long time. I've reflected about this looking at myself from all angles, and I think what makes me unique is my versatility.
I am able to blend in any group. I can always find something to talk about with anyone, and can blend with any crowd. In school, I was cool with anyone, whether it be the athletes, the nerds, the thugs, the A group, the rejects. Boys, girls, and whatever their gender or sexual orientation, I could always find myself blending with any of them without difficulty.
I want to believe that it's a special skill of mine to be able to be tossed in any group and be able to blend in. Maybe that's why I am able to attend events too on my own because I can just talk to anybody without difficulty or the awkwardness. Even when standing in line at the grocery, I am not afraid to talk to talk to the person before or after me. Just elevator talk, but I can do it.
I want to embrace that and own it. Some people may find it offensive that I can just jump right in the conversation, but I want to think of it as an advantage. I want to be able to do that without appearing nosey. I have met people too who choose to ignore me, and I respect that. I don't get offended by people who just choose to be alone and I can live with that too without getting offended.
Seeing this now, I have a pretty good idea on what kind of person I am. I want to see it as a positive thing that I am able to relate and communicate with people from all walks of life. It is something that I want my children to develop as well, but won't force them into doing.

Personal space is also something that I want to have every once in a while. I may be the extroverted person that my friends see me as, but there are times I just want to be left alone and have some quality "me" time.

I find it very easy to communicate with other people, and I can relate with just about anyone. I want to think that that is a pretty good trait, don't you think?

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