10 Year Anniversary Prompt: Day 12

by - Friday, March 27, 2020

10 Years married, 14 years together in total. I think that's saying something. I've always known that Raul and I would last forever, but as the saying goes -nothing in this life is certain but death and taxes. So we do our best to sustain a marriage, one that we can call happy. Our marriage is far from perfect, it takes a lot to strengthen ours but in the end, it's worth fighting for.
For today's prompt: "In the past 10 years, what have I learned about my marriage? What would I like to change?"
They say that the first year is the hardest. But for us, I would have to say that based on my experience, it's not just the first year. As a married couple, Raul and I faced hardships that really tested the glue that held us together.

From our first apartment hunting, to infertility, to my diagnosed anxiety, our first child, and then the second, domestic issues, the constant moving (5 times to be exact), our daughter's hospitalization, building our own home, and the list goes on and on. And let's not forget the little quirks and pet peeves, but those are the things I can choose to ignore.


Ten years felt like a long time, but it went by in a blink of an eye. It kind of feels like we were just getting started. Between our busy schedules at work and our kids, we hardly had enough time to spend with each other. From the day we got married, so much has changed in us, and it's nice to know that we were in it together. Both good and bad.

For the past 17 years that I was working freelance, Raul was used to me working from home, taking care of the household and the kids, even then, finding time to have some "us time" was close to impossible. And when I took on a full time job, it was even tougher to find the time to be together. Our roles and priorities have changed, and it really forced a huge adjustment.

We have always 100% supported each other, encouraging each other in whatever we wanted to do -like the time I wanted to sell liquor flavored cupcakes.


In our marriage, there was a whole lot of compromise and trust. Raul has poured in to my artistic endeavors in every way that he could. He is and will always be my number one supporter and greatest fan.
Looking back at the past decade, we have had our ups, downs, and sideways, and one thing has remained constant: Respect and Trust.

This morning, as we both greeted each other with a "Happy Anniversary", we made an unspoken promise to each other that we will keep on pushing forward.

Now with that being said, allow me to share 5 things that I would like to do more in our relationship:

Over communicate: I am a talker, Raul is not. I have to learn to accept this. From what I have gathered from all the ladies in my life who are in a relationship is that, men and women really do not think the same. Raul cannot read my mind. As much as I would love for him to just "get it", he will not, and never will unless I tell him straight out what is bothering me or what I need. I've learned that things have to be spelled out, and everything is in black or white. I have to stop assuming that we are in the same radio frequency when in fact, we are not, and never will be.

Make time for date night: I am guilty of this. I would always complain that we never get to have "us time" anymore, but I never really made an effort to plan anything. I used to love our Friday date nights, it doesn't happen often but when they do, we get to talk about other things besides the kids, expenses, or even work. We re-connect and it feels really nice to get back on the same page. It can be simple, but makes a really big impact in our marriage.

MORE PATIENCE: Ugh. Something that I do not have the patience for is to have patience. But I know that in every marriage, patience is really important. I have to understand that Raul does not think like me, or act like me. My impatience has caused us strain in the past and it's something that I really want to change. With my inability to control my mouth when I am angry, paired with my RBF, I'm surprised Raul hasn't left me yet. But what Raul has is a cargo load of patience. I have to extend the same to him for the sake of our marriage.
Pexel Photo by Min An
Remind each other that we appreciate one another: With our crazy schedules, I tend to forget to tell him that what he does means a lot to me and the kids, and that we appreciate him. I am guilty of this. Whatever things Raul does for me, whether big or small, I will have to be more verbal about being grateful.

Take care of my appearance: I know this may sound a little shallow, but staying physically fit and healthy, well-groomed, and dressing nicely are indications that I respect and feel good about myself, I want to present myself in the best way not only for him, but for myself. Of course, these aren’t the only measures of self-respect and it's not only window-dressing myself for Raul, but by doing so, having self-respect can build on confidence and security in our marriage.

I know that Raul and I will make more mistakes and arguments in the future. We may hurt each other's feelings or do something that will upset us. Things that may make each other angry and even furious. But I believe that it's important to deal with our feelings together, let them go, and move on.

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