My thoughts on Leaders' Hydrogel Eye Therapy Patch

by - Thursday, July 28, 2016


Let's focus on the eyes now shall we? Since I missed this week's #eyespymondays post, I am going to post this today. I have always been a fan of Leader's masks and some more of their other skin care products because they work really well on my skin. My skin being the most dry now a days, the need to rehydrate by the use of the masking method is a must.

Leaders is a Korean brand so you know that you will definitely get what you pay for. Their skin care is easy to use and their promises always deliver. I have been on their best-selling Hydrogel Eye Therapy Patch for a week now, and I tell you, this is one of the best undereye correction products I have used in a long time.

Leaders Hydrogel Eye Therapy Patch
I figured my eye area can do with more help since Henri has gotten himself a new schedule at night and has left me with dark, tired eyes in the morning. This product has captured my interest because the ingredient list is short (to be quite honest) and because the product is marked as paraben and pigment free which is always a god thing. I also like that it’s a hydrogel patch, which means it’s likely to be very soothing to the skin.
The Hydrogel Eye Therapy Patch is created for puffy eyes and dark undereye circles. It is also supposed to help improve the surrounding skin's elasticity around the eye area and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.  
Hydrogel Eye Therapy Patch 5packs, PhP 498.00
Each box comes with only five pairs of eye patches and you can use once or twice a week. Or if you can afford it, you can use it daily!
I love the fact that more and more companies are removing harmful parabens in their products, which is why I am excited to use this because it actually contains safe ingredients which is good even for pregnant women like me. 

The contains a really short ingredients list filled with active ingredients like these: Adenosine, Hydrolyzed collagen acetylhexapetide-8, snail mucus, vitamin C, deep sea water, berry extract, broccoli extract and green tea extract.
The patch is made with a thin transparent gel-type squishy material that adheres to the skin real well. You can do other stuff while you leave on the patch on for 20-40 minutes. So don't worry about having to be idle for that long. I was actually blogging while I had the patch on!
As you can see, I look so tired. My eyes are a but dark and the lines on my undereye area are deep and really unforgiving.
So that patch adheres on like this. Just make sure that you do not apply it really close to your eye because it will be hard for you to look down. This is actually way too close to the lower rims of my eyes so try to leave a good space.
I left the patch on for 30 minutes. While it is adhered to your undereye area, there is a cooling and tingling effect.

Each pair starts out wet when you first apply it, but after leaving it on for a while, you will find that they dry up and the essence on the gel patch get absorbed into the skin. They should fit well to most eyes. While you wear it, you could feel some tingling sensation most probably because of the vitamin C content, plus it has a cooling effect as well. I experienced no irritation whatsoever while using the patch.
After first use, my undereye area seems brighter and the lines on my eyes are not as deep. My eyes are not as dark and shadowy! It doesn't seem dry too! It's extremely hydrating to the area.
Some people find the patches worked for them after several applications while for me, I saw some difference after the first use. My eyes were definitely less puffy, and does not look as tired. So if I will be attending a really important event, this will be a part of my prepping, just like GLAMGLOW's Face Muds!

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  1. Awesome! I have puffy undereyes and this will work so well for me!


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