Oishi Great Lakes 100% Juice -The wholesome choice for you and your family

by - Wednesday, October 07, 2015

#tmmandbaby #wholesomerefreshment

I still can't get over it! When this package was sent to me, it was addressed to me with: "Mommy Blogger" written below my blog name. Yay! I still get can't get over I'm a mommy! LOL If you know me well, then you would know how long I have waited to become a mom!

So anyway, Henri is still too young to drink these but it's something Raul and I could! Oishi Great Lakes is an all-natural fruit and vegetable drink, which means it has no added sweetener, flavoring, or coloring!

Oishi Great Lakes 100% Juice in 1 Liter and 250 Tetras

More about Great Lakes after the break!

Even though I am a new time mom, I know enough that a mommy's number 1 priority and duty is to keep her family happy and healthy. Eating healthy doesn't have to be boring! You can create a number of healthy dishes, and all-natural fruit drinks like this one from Oishi for the fan bam to enjoy!
A mommy can't watch her children all the time specially when they're at school, so why not let them drink Great Lakes which is a healthy alternative to artificial fruit juices for their "baon?" Oishi Great Lakes 100% Juice is a mommy's partner in nutrition -ok, that just sounds reall mommy blogger-ish.

This is a great way for kids to add fruits and veggies in their diet! I mean, when they ask for juice, why not give them something natural right? Oishi Great Lakes 100% Juice comes in 250ml tetra packs for the kids to bring with them in school or just simply to enjoy in parties! 1 Liter Tetras are also available to keep in the house!
Oh man! If only these were launched during the time I was pregnant! I had developed gestational diabetes since the first trimester and I wasn't allowed the excess sugar. Pregnant women everywhere would surely love this!

I have been waiting to post this since I received them so now that I finally have, I can really tell you that we love them here at my house. My personal favorite is the tropical blend fruit mix. Although the fruit and vegetable mix was good too, I just liked the tropical blend more.

Oishi Great Lakes 100% Juice is available in all leading supermarkets nationwide. What is your #wholesomerefreshment choice?

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