Tina Caranto Trial Hair and Makeup

by - Saturday, July 11, 2009

My July 25 bride Tina had her trial session today, my bride who looks a bit like Zhang Ziyi (thanks to my cousin for making that observation). Hehehe...

I emphasized her eyes without using a whole lot of eye shadow on her eyes. I wanted to use something dramatic but staying on the neutral side.

I used a bit of bronzer on the temples of her cheeks to give her fair skin a bit of color and warmth. A peach blush to complement her warm skin tone too, but blended her apples with a soft rose shade as well.

Here are some more pictures of Tina from her trial session:

This is the up-style that Tony did for Tina:

Photographed by Sabs Hernandez
Makeup by Sabs Hernandez
Hair by Tony Dusich

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