Kilo Off Launches in Manila!

by - Saturday, January 23, 2016


I know what you must be thinking: "oh no, not another lose weight quick diet pill". But Kilo Off is anything but. Let me tell you my story.

Being over weight has always been my problem. Know of a diet fad? You name it I did it. I have always been on the "chubby" (ok I'm being nice) side for as long as I can remember. If I don't watch what I eat, I can easily gain 15 pounds at the drop of a hat. By now, I am an expert in losing (or gaining) weight. I have yoyo-ed so many times I have lost count.

Last year though, I decided that I was going to quit on the baby making fiasco and concentrate on losing weight. I said that 2015 was going to be MY year. I was going to lose weight and just be healthy. I avoided sugar and carbs like the plague and I lost 30 pounds in 6 months with exercise. Before I know it, I was pregnant.

But after giving birth, I gained a hefty 20 pounds and I am almost back to where I started. So, I told myself that this is is the year again where I will live a healthier lifestyle. Being healthy is actually more for my baby so I can take good care of him.

When I was invited to the launch of Kilo Off, I had no idea what it was. But after the event I was really inspired that this could help me jump start my healthier lifestyle and shed off excess pounds. I know that this is not excess pregnancy weight anymore because I only gained 9 pounds during my pregnancy! Yes, but I will save that story for you another time.

So, what is Kilo Off?
Kilo Off is a line of all-natural weigh loss drinks made in France that aids weight watchers to achieving their goal weight and staying trim the natural, fast, effective, and safe way. It's made from natural extracts from fruits and vegetables that aids in your metabolism for you to burn fat faster.

Kilo Off promises:

  • Safe weight loss
  • Burning of fats
  • Loss of excess water and toxins
  • A flatter stomach
  • Curbed food cravings
  • Support in healthy weight maintenance

Since these supplements are not chemically produced, it is very safe and is manufactured by Laboratories Vitarmonyl and was launched in other countries since 2009. They have been carefully tested in Europe and Asia.

There are several products in the brand because the products are complementary and it is a system so the customer can choose which method is easier for them to maintain, and it depends on the goal that they want to achieve. Each product also has a different effect so a person can take one product after a treatment period for maximum effect.
Compared to other brands that claim the same effects and results, Kilo Off use natural active ingredients that have been tested and are safe. These ingredients are not the typical weight loss and fat burning ingredients that other brands are using.

Of course, as we learned in the event, no pill in the universe will be effective if you do not aid it with a good balanced diet and exercise.
We had a dietician at the event who we can have a one on one chat with where we learned a lot how having a balanced diet is crucial to good weight management.

Kilo Off Philipines carried three of their effective weight loss products:
Kilo Off 24 Capsule, PhP 850

Kilo Off Powder Drink, PhP 995

Kilo Off Liquid Drink, PhP 895 (Cellulite Buster not available in the Philippines)
Choosing which variant to try can be overwhelming, but as I have mentioned before, it depends on your goal.

Kilo Off 24 Capsules is for fat burning, Kilo Off Drink in Orange aid in digestion and give you a flat tummy (perfect for when you have an upcoming beach trip!), and the Purple bottle help drain and burn fat. Kilo Off Powder Drink provides a global action as it burns fat, reduce cravings, increase metabolism, and gives you a flat stomach.
 I have been on the capsules for 3 days now and I can testify that I feel lighter and I don't feel bloated anymore. I haven't lost any weight but I do feel lighter somehow. I have been avoiding refined sugar, soda and juices, and carbs for 3 days and I have been feeling exceptionally healthier!

With Kilo Off, I know I will go far. I will definitely update this blog when I see results!
Kilo Off Team

Are you familiar with Kilo Off? Which variant would you like to try?

Like Kilo Off Philippines's Facebook Page to know more about their latest products, promos, updates and product information:

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  1. im a newbie of this site and im loving it :D

  2. This is interesting, however, I find this more expensive than a direct selling product I tried 3 weeks ago, which made me lose 9 lbs in 15 days.. :)

    1. Hello! May I know what product this is? Would love to try it!


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