Straightening Your Hair Safely

by - Sunday, December 07, 2008

Bored sick of curls or waves? Follow these tips to get superb straight hair safely!

  • When blow-drying your hair, make sure the hairdryer is pointing down, so that all the hair follicles point down, which shines your hair. Also, before blow-drying, consider applying a heat protection spray.
  • If your hair is fragile, use a low setting on the iron. If it's thick and unruly, make the heat almost the hottest it can be. When in doubt, keep it on a lower setting; it will be less damaging.
  • Another type of straightener that can help straighten without damaging is an ionic or wet to dry straightener. Instead of using two heated plates, it acts as a blow-dryer causing less damage and less frizz.
  • Also, if your blow dryer has a cool setting, turn that setting on after drying it fully. It makes the hair appear shinier, just like rinsing your hair with cool water will.
  • Do NOT straighten your hair when your hair is wet or damp. It will cause it to frizz and will feel sticky under.
  • Another good way is to use a lighter shampoo, or if you don't use too many styling products, you can get away with shampooing less often.
  • If your hair is very curly and frizzy, you may want to consider relaxing it. Even if you straighten it often, it won't stay like that for a long time. Relaxed hair is easier to straighten.
  • If you know you're not going any where, then don't straighten your hair. Why? To give your hair a break.

  • Don't go over one piece of hair too many times, it's unnecessary and can damage your hair.
  • Don't use a straightener more than two or four times a week. Constant straightening will lead to damaged hair, no matter how many protective sprays you use. Consider wearing your hair naturally or putting it up as alternate hair styles.
  • Don't brush your hair when it's wet, because it stretches and breaks the hair. Always use a wide-toothed comb.
  • If you're in a rush and need to dry your hair, don't take the easy way out and straighten your hair when it's wet. You are boiling your hair! Major damage. Always dry hair completely prior to straightening. To limit damage to your hair you can wash and let dry naturally before flat ironing. Still use the leave-in conditioner before flat ironing to help manage the hair and tangles.
  • Don't use too much hair serum or hair products, because you don't want your hair to look lank and greasy.
  • If you want your hair to be extra soft and shiny, section your hair when blow drying.
  • Don't leave the straightener on a specific piece of your hair for too long. If the straightener is very hot, you may end up frying your hair off, and it will take a long time to grow back.
  • Don't use hair spray unless you are planning on taking a shower that night because it is not good for your hair to leave it on all night long.
  • No matter if you have a straightener that says it goes wet to dry, DON'T BELIEVE IT!!! It's still major damage to your hair to straighten your hair when it is still wet and it's still just as boiling your hair.

Photographed by Martin Romero
Hair and Makeup by Sabs Hernandez
Model: Rica La'O

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